Of course graduation represents a time of change in which the student officially enters adulthood and working life, but it also means much more. It should represent enjoyment as well. Most graduates hold parties to help them celebrate this important day with friends and loved ones. If you're putting together a party and need some decorating ideas, start with the table. Most of the festivities will gravitate to this important place at some point during the celebration.
Mirrored Display
Mirrors as decorative items add many elements to a space, not the least of which is the illusion of light and the ability to create a focal point. You can use these elements to your advantage to create a table display for your graduate. Start putting the display together by getting a framed mirror. Since graduation colors tend to be black and white with splashes of accent colors, look for mirrors that feature frames with these colors. Next find some metallic confetti and candles in black, white and in your graduate's school colors. Sprinkle the metallic confetti on the mirror. Arrange the candles in the center of the mirror. If the school colors happen to be colors like red or yellow, add an appropriately colored flower in a vase in the center of the display for emphasis. You'll have a glowing centerpiece for your graduation party once the candles are lit.
The Future is in Your Hands
After several years of study, graduation celebrates the works of the hands and all they've accomplished. Hands symbolize the fruits of our labors and, as such, have spawned many metaphorical phrases like "The future's in your hands." You can use the hands motif in your graduation decorations in a classy and symbolic way. To begin this project, go to an art store and pick up the wooden artist's hands; artists use these bendable wooden items to learn how to draw anatomy. Buy at least two. Write graduation quotes and well-wishes on parchment paper and roll the paper up so it looks like a diploma. On a piece of card stock, write "The Future's in Your Hand" in calligraphy script. Secure the rolled paper with a ribbon in your graduate's school colors. Place a flatted graduation cap on the table with the graduate's tassels spread out. Position the two hands at opposite corners of the cap. Place the rolled parchment paper in one of the hands and the card stock note in the other.
The Fountain
Fountains bring elegance to almost any decorative piece. Fortunately, tabletop fountains come in ready supply. You can find a fountain set up at most bridal shops. To make this display, locate a fountain and a cake stand that has decorative elements that appeal to you. Also get a graduate cake topper, silk flowers in the graduate's colors, black and white tissue paper and chocolate coins. Set up the fountain and place the cake stand over it. On the cake stand, arrange the tissue paper, the silk flowers and money candy. Place the mini-graduate cake topper right in the center of the display. If you're planning on having a celebration cake, you can place it on top of the cake stand in place of the flowers and tissue paper. Just top the cake with the graduate cake topper and chocolate coins.
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