Filing your nails regularly will keep them smooth and shaped. It's the first step in a good manicure. Nearly everyone thinks that they know how to file their nails, but there is only one right way. The wrong ways can damage your nails and make them weaker. Here's how to do it properly. Does this Spark an idea?
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Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
2Lay a towel on the table to collect any nail dust or clippings.
3Clip your nails if you intend to take off a lot of length. Clip straight across the tip of the nail, leaving a square edge. Be sure to leave enough length for shaping with an emery board.
4Hold the emery board at a slight angle at one corner of your nail. Lightly stroke it from the corner to the center of your nail. Repeat several times, keeping the pressure light.
5Hold the emery board at a slight angle at the opposite corner and repeat, stroking from the corner toward the center of your nail.
6Repeat with each nail.
7Buff your nails if desired with a nail buffer to make them shine.
8Gather up the towel and shake out the nail dust and nail clippings into the trash.
9Wash and moisturize your hands.
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