A changing pad is what keeps your baby or toddler comfortable when it's time to change diapers. A pad with rolling edges and a fastening strap secures to your folding table and keeps your child in place while you do the necessary clean-up. Over time, the pads become soiled from dirt and sweat on your child, or otherwise wear down because you've had them for a long time.
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Undo the screws holding the pad's fastening strap to the folding table with a flat-head screwdriver. Zip up these screws in a plastic bag.
2Pull the strap and its attached pad off the table.
3Position the new changing pad onto the table, and line up the fastening strap's holes with the ones already drilled into the table.
4Take the screws out of the plastic bag, and screw them into the holes to attach the fastening strap to the table.
5Adjust the fastening strap as necessary by pulling it away from you to make it tighter, and pulling it toward you to loosen it. Set your child on the pad and buckle your child in to use the new pad.
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