The U.S. Postal Service is tasked with delivering the mail to individuals and businesses. While the USPS does not sell or manufacture private mail receptacles or mailboxes, it does regulate the size and construction of mailboxes. You can install your mailbox on an aluminum pedestal as long as it complies with basic regulations found in 18 USC 1702, 1705, 1708 and 1725. Does this Spark an idea?
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Determine the location of your mailbox. This will dictate where your aluminum pedestal will be installed. Your mailbox must be located in the common direction of travel, typically on the right side of the road, according to USPS regulations. It must be situated so the letter carrier can access the mailbox safely without leaving her vehicle. The base of the mailbox should be between 41 and 45 inches from the ground and the front edge of the mailbox should be at least 6 inches back from the road.
2Measure your aluminum pedestal. Subtract the height of the mailbox from the length of the pedestal to determine how deep a hole you need to dig to support the pedestal. Dig a hole 1-foot square, and deep enough to handle your measurement.
3Place your aluminum pedestal into the hole. Fill the hole with concrete. Use a level to make sure the pedestal is straight, then stake it with supports until the concrete cures. This may take from 24 hours to several days, depending on the concrete and weather conditions. Cover the concrete with dirt once it has cured. Remove the support stakes. Attach the mailbox to the aluminum pedestal.
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