
Monday, November 4, 2013

How to Make Birdbath Pedestals

How to Make Birdbath Pedestals

Ornamental birdbaths have replaced many lawn ornaments and statues as the decoration of choice to add to the landscaping of a backyard. If you have purchased or made an ornamental leaf or other birdbath sculpture for your yard, youre going to need something to place it on. Make a birdbath pedestal with concrete and a few supplies. You'll need to work quickly to get your pedestal molded and shaped before the concrete hardens. Does this Spark an idea?


Mix the Cement


    Wear a dust mask and work gloves as you pour the cement mix into a wheelbarrow.


    Mix the cement with water per the instructions on the package.


    Mix the water and cement with a large trowel until the concrete becomes a thick, heavy paste like mud. Dont let any of the cement dry.


    Stir the cement with a trowel to remove any air bubbles. You probably will not be able to get them all, but try to at least remove large air bubbles.

Make the Pedestal


    Coat a 3-foot tall, 4-inch diameter mailing tube with vegetable oil. The tube will serve as the mold for the pedestal, and the oil will allow the cement to slide out of the tube more easily once it has hardened.


    Fill the mailing tube with concrete.


    Hollow out the top of the cement with a small cup while it is still in the mailing tube. This will create a hole for the birdbath bowl to sit in. Allow the cement 48 hours to completely set up.


    Slide the birdbath pedestal out of the mailing tube. If it wont slide out, cut the tube away from the pedestal with a utility knife.


    Place your birdbath bowl onto the pedestal.


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