
Saturday, August 9, 2014

How to Use Coffee Beans As Wedding Decorations

How to Use Coffee Beans As Wedding Decorations

Coffee beans are very aromatic and have a nice deep brown color that can be matched with another hue if done properly. In recent years, brown has been a popular choice for brides when planning a wedding. Because of their color, coffee beans are being implemented as part of the bridal decor.



    Wet paper towels and wrap the ends of the flower stems to be used with them. Wrap aluminum foil around the paper towels so that the moisture stays around the stems. Place the foiled ends into a clean vase and pour coffee beans around the stems until the foil disappears under them and the vase is almost full.


    Place tall candles inside vases and pour coffee beans so that the candle's bottom half is covered.


    Glue coffee beans to the bottom inch or two of a tall candle. You can cover the entire candle, but the beans will fall off as the wax melts, creating a mess. Beads can also be glued to the candles in conjunction with the beans.


    Place candles in the center of the table and weave a ribbon of choice throughout the candles. Lightly scatter coffee beans around and throughout the ribbons and candles.


    Measure out coffee beans that are required to make one pot of coffee. Put beans into cloth, mesh or another type of cloth mini sack. Tie the sack of with ribbon and attach a little card with the date of the wedding, couple's names or another saying. Place the coffee sacks at each place setting as a souvenir.


    Glue coffee beans to Styrofoam balls of all sizes and attach to ribbon. Balls can be hung throughout the reception area or on the fronts of tables. Additional decorations and beads can also be added to the Styrofoam.


    Glue coffee beans to both sides of a grosgrain ribbon that is at least 7/8 inch thick, but no more. Glue the flat side of the coffee bean, or the side with the crease to the ribbon. Glue beans on both sides of the ribbon. After the beans dry, you can string the beans along tables with un-beaned ribbon.


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