
Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to Build a Table With a Granite Top & Storage Underneath

How to Build a Table With a Granite Top & Storage Underneath

Granite coffee and kitchen tables are a classy addition to modern and newly decorated homes. Granite is a strong stone that works well for many table applications. It is easy to clean, heavy, and stable, allowing the table to last for years. Granite tables are likely to cost several hundred dollars, but many people save a lot of money by buying scrap slabs of granite. Much of the cost that goes into granite countertops and tables is the cost of having the granite slab cut specifically for the project. Does this Spark an idea?



    Lay two of your 16-inch oak boards flat and parallel, so the outside edges are 20-inches apart. Set your 20-inch oak board on top the 16-inch boards perpendicularly so the 20-inch edge is flush with two ends of the 16-inch boards. Screw the 20-inch board to the 16-inch boards at this location. Predrill a 3/32-inch hole for each screw, and countersink a 3/8-inch hole that is a 1/4-inch deep for every screwing application in this project. Screw one more 20-inch board so it is parallel with the first 20-inch board, but so it is 6 inches away. Repeat this process with your last two 16-inch and 20-inch boards. These are the sides to your table.


    Stand both sides of your table up perpendicularly, so the 20-inch board that is flush with the ends of the 16-inch board is on top. The 20-inch boards should be in between the 16-inch boards, and 34 inches apart. Screw your plywood to the bottom 20-inch boards. The 20-inch sides of your plywood should be against the 16-inch boards, and on top of the 20-inch oak boards.


    Screw the 42-inch oak boards to the sides of the table. The 42-inch edge should be flush with the top of the 16-inch boards, and parallel with the 36-inch edge of the plywood. There should be one board on each side. These boards will provide stability to your table. Fill all the holes around the screw heads with wood putty and let it dry.


    Sand down your entire project with medium grade sand paper, and then with fine grade sand paper. Wipe your project down with a tack cloth and apply wood stain. Let your project dry according to instructions. Place the granite slab on top of the table once your table is in its desired location.


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