
Saturday, March 15, 2014

How to Make a Primitive End Table

Primitive decorating involves using objects that are recycled or repurposed, or making newer items look vintage. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Making various items into primitive end tables is simple when you use your imagination. Does this Spark an idea?


Turn Your Existing Tables Into Primitives


    Turn your existing end tables into primitives. If you already have some end tables on hand, you can transform them using aging techniques.


    Apply a crackle finish. The easiest way to achieve a used look is to give your table a crackle finish. Crackle finishes are easy to apply. Buy a crackle medium, paint your table with it, and then paint your table in the color of your choice. The cracks in the paint will allow bits of the table's old finish to show through simulating weathered paint.


    Distress your table. Tables can be made to appear old through the use of "distressing." To distress your table, do any, or all of the following techniques: use a fine grit sandpaper and randomly remove paint from the edges and raised areas of your table; "beat" your table with metal chains (although not hard enough to break it) to cause scuffing and dents; on wood finishes, splatter the wood with tiny flecks of black paint to simulate worm damage. These techniques may sound extreme, but they are used the world over to age furniture.

Repurpose Other Items to Create Primitive Tables


    Creatively use items with other functions to create end tables. Many items around the house, or inexpensively purchased, can become end tables.


    Top a stack with a tray or platter. A tea tray or serving platter can make a fine top for a base of stacked books, old suitcases, hat boxes, wooden crates, or old wooden chairs.


    Use pre-fabricated tabletops to transform inexpensive items into tables. As long as an item has a flat top and stable bottom it can be turned into a table by topping it with a pre-fabricated table top. For instance, you could top any stool with the top of your choose, or a large vase, or a large flowerpot. Terra cotta flowerpots can easily be painted to match your decor. A glass vase can be filled with old buttons, ribbons or, marbles to create a vintage looking table base.

Build Your Own Primitive Table From Scratch


    Visit your local home improvement store. Explore the lumber section of the store to find pre-fabricated wooden table legs and tabletops.


    Choose the table legs and tabletops of your choice. You can design a small end table of the exact height and width of your choice. In the same section of the store purchase fasteners to attach the table legs to the table top.


    Assemble and paint your table. Using the aging techniques mentioned above, make your new table look primitive.


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